Magic and spell working are surrounded by myths and misconceptions which eventually buried its true essence and principles. Some of these myths are comical, some are downright dangerous. So let’s myth bust a few right here, right now!
Myth 1: Those who practice magic, worship “the Devil”.
“The Devil” is a Christian construct. It is not included in the witch’s pantheon so why, oh why, would we want to worship something we don’t believe in? So no, we do not worship the Devil…
Myth 2: Spells have visual and sound effects just like in the Harry Potter films.
Spells are a way of communicating to the universe your intent or desire but they do not have the sound and video effects like in movies. I mean, do you really think I can cast fire bolts out of my hands and make lots of twinkly lights appear? 😉 Actually I really wish I could, imagine the looks I would get in the supermarket!
Myth 3: Casting spells require rare ingredients.
Eye of newt? Toe of frog? Dragon scales? Nope! Casting spells do not require you to use rare and weird materials, just like in the movies. In fact, you need NOTHING but yourself to cast a spell. Everything else, all the other ingredients and trimmings are just there to help focus your own energy. With magic, what is important is the emotion and the intent. Focusing your energy and using materials to contain and direct your energy towards your intent, are the things that would make your spell a success.
Myth 4. Spells backfire.
Hmmm now, this is a toughie to explain. Spells don’t backfire as such but if you had made a magical error of judgment OR you have cast a spell whilst very emotional or angry… spells can go a bit awry. Also if you cast a spell for justice but you are the one in the wrong, the Universe will certainly let you know. This is not backfiring, this is being slapped by the Universe, which is a different thing. Don’t cast spells when stressed, angry or over emotional and don’t throw stones in glass houses as they say…
Myth 5. Spells can make ALL things possible.
Spells turn ALL possibilities into reality. They cannot make things happen out of anywhere, they are not a blanket miracle (although miracles do and can happen) for every minor or major detail in your life and a spell should always be a last resort. If you go to the supermarket and they have run out of potatoes, the natural step is to go to another supermarket, greengrocer, or farm shop. The step you should not take is to magic up a potato 😉
Myth 6: If a spell fails, the caster cannot do magic and/or isn’t a real witch.
Sigh… ok…. read here.. especially the very last point!
Myth 7: We all wear witchy clothes OR run around casting spells naked under the full moon.
Nope. Firstly trust me, no one wants to see my body naked running around with her arms waving about so no, no nakedness! Secondly, traditional witches where their own clothes and do not have special robes or cloaks for magic, some Wiccan’s do, but trad witches do not. You would not know I was a witch just by looking at me.
Myth 8: Not everyone can be a witch
What absolute poppycock. I truly believe we are all born with the ‘old ways’ inside us. Intuition and the affinity to the natural cycles of the Earth all prove that. ANYONE can be a witch. You just need to make that decision you want to be one, flick the witch switch and do your research. But yes, everyone and anyone can be a witch.
Myth 9: Men can’t be witches, but they can be Warlocks or Wizards.
Nope, male witches are still witches. Non binary, transgender and all souls that follow and practise witchcraft are indeed, witches. Witchcraft doesn’t care what race, gender or sexual orientation you are. You are a witch, be proud!
Myth 10: There is white magic and black magic.
Nope, true magic has no colour, read here.
Myth 11: All witches are wiccan.
Nope, in fact, definitely not in a traditional witch’s case. Read here.
Myth 12: All witches are goth, love black, live in a haunted house, have pentacle tattoos all over their bodies, look like they are going to hex the world…
Nope, certainly not in my case, I love pink and yellow and all bright colours, I wear lots of very feminine floaty flowery dressed and personally, as I said in Myth 7, you would not know I was a witch just by looking at me. Witchcraft is for everyone and therefore, anyone can be a witch. If you want to ‘goth up’ then fine you can, but you can look however you want. I don’t have any tattoos, I don’t wear particularly witchy jewellery, I don’t live on a cemetery, I don’t run around speaking Latin (OK hmmm that is not completely true, I do love Latin but that’s because I learnt it at school!). There are witches in every walk of life. Royalty, nobility, the wealthy, the poor, the high flyers, the famous, the stay at home parents, the homeless, the council workers, the medical profession, the hippies and the goths, the left and right wing, everyone. We are not stereotypically flying around on brooms either!
Myth 13: You have to have a black cat.
I have a tan and white small dog if that counts? A black cat is not necessary, however they are very cute!
Myth 14: You have to be in a coven.
Nope. Personal choice.
Myth 15: You have to be initiated into witchcraft and become a High Priestess.
Not if you are a traditional witch nope. Only if you are Wiccan.
Myth 16: Witchcraft is a religion.
Nope. Wicca is a religion, witchcraft is a practise and a way of life. Witchcraft is NOT a religion. Read here.
Myth 17: Wicca started witchcraft.
This could not be more further than the truth if it tried. Wicca was CREATED in the 1950’s by smooshing a whole heap of other paths together. Read here. Witchcraft has been around since the dawn of time. Wicca since the 1950’s.
Myth 18: Witches run around hexing people.
I am a very traditional witch, but even I don’t go around hexing people on a daily basis. Hexing IS and MUST ALWAYS be an absolute last resort. Hexing was originally only ever meant as a form of protection and not just the curse it is today.
Myth 19: Witches run around casting love spells.
I refuse to cast love spells. Love should always be natural otherwise how will you ever know if they love you for the right reasons? Many witches do cast love spells and that is their own choice, I just prefer not to.
And lastly…. Myth 20: All witches are wicked.
A few are, most however aren’t. As with all walks of life, there are good and bad in all. But I would never piss off a witch 😉
I hope this clears a few things up and debunks a few myths about witchcraft! Witchcraft is one of the most natural things in the universe. If you practise witchcraft, magic and spell work then embrace it, learn your craft and be proud of who you are.
Thank you! I am a newcomer to your blog but have been practicing for many years . These comments are much needed and appreciated.
I was aware I ' had it " as a youngster and gradually found out that divination would play a major part in my life. As a teenager I started reading tea leaves and playing cards and went on to read Tarot etc.
I'm a great believer in wearing what suits you individually. I love purple, black and dark green but wear all different colours and sometimes I'm quite colourful!
Thank you so much for a much needed blog
Love and Blessings